Eastern Pondhawk Dragonfly (Erythemis simplicicollis)

2 years ago

This is video of a hidden dragonfly. It’s not easy to see. It is an Eastern Pondhawk.

According to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website (link to website below), Females and young males of the eastern pondhawk are vivid green. From their abdomen to their thorax, the guys' bodies gradually turn a powdered blue as they get older. These pond, lake, and streamside dragonflies, which can grow up to 2 inches long, are common.

The National Park Service website states, among the dragonflies that inhabit the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, these insects are undoubtedly the most aggressive. Fortunately, they don't bother people and only attack other insects.

These dragonflies frequently dart from their perches to catch insect prey before flying to a handy location to devour it. Long leg spines on these dragonflies serve as a useful "basket" in which to securely clutch their prey. They will eat large insects, even other dragonflies of the same size, as their food.

Will they nip at humans? Like other dragonflies, eastern pondhawks are not hostile to people, so anyone watching them should not be concerned about getting bitten. However, any dragonfly, including the eastern, will bite when handled.

Visit the website links below for more information about this winged predator & others too!



Soundtrack credit is at the end of the video. The song is Generation Yes by Matt Oakley. This song is used under a Creative Commons License (link below) and the song is found at Free Music Archive (link below).



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