Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

2 years ago

Ben Stein examines the issue of academic freedom and decides that there is none when it comes to the debate over Intelligent Design. He interviews academics who have lost their job for speaking out against Darwinism.

A partial List of people who appear (or are mentioned) in this documentary (listed alphabetically): Peter Atkins (emeritus professor of physical chemistry, Oxford University), Hector Avalos, Doug Axe, David Berlinski, Walter Bradley, Bruce Chapman, Anderson Cooper (archive footage), Caroline Crocker, Richard Dawkins (famous atheist and zoologist), William Dembski, Daniel C. Dennett, Michael Egnor, Steve Fuller, Bill Gaede, Uta George, Maciej Giertych (population geneticist), Guillermo Gonzalez, John Hauptman, Adolf Hitler, Ben Kelley, John Lennox (Oxford mathematician and philosopher of science), Robert J. Marks II , Alister McGrath, Stephen C. Meyer (Discovery Institute), Paul Zachary Myers, Paul Nelson, John Polkinghorne, William Provine, Toi Rose (student, as Antonio Christina), Michael Ruse, Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood, racist), Gerald Schroeder, Jeffrey M. Schwartz, Eugenie C. Scott, Michael Shermer, Mark Souder, Richard Sternberg, Deano Sutter (Introductory Speaker) Witold 'Vic' Walczak, Daniel Walsch, Richard Weikart (professor of European history), Jonathan Wells, Pamela Winnick, Larry Witham, John Deonarine (School Janitor, uncredited), Nikita Khrushchev(archive footage), Dan Quayle (archive footage), Ronald Reagan (archive footage), Pat Robertson (archive footage), Joseph Stalin (archive footage), Richard Von Sternberg (fired by The Smithsonian Institution after publishing an article by leading ID-scientist Stephen C. Myer).

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