Action RPG Game Development - The Interaction System

1 year ago

In this video I talk about interactable worlds. The means you use to open doors, pick up items, talk to NPCs, and just interact with the world in general.

As always feel free to comment and share this video around! Word of mouth is my best friend right now.

This will probably be my last video of this formatting for a while as it takes quite a bit of time to edit and put together a video (almost 30 hours in the case of this one) And that's time I could be working on development instead. I'll probably space these out a bit more and go for a more raw format with videos in between.

I hope to have a melee combat system to show off a few variants of by end of next month. There are a lot of ways this has been attempted before but getting a good feel to combat is crucial. I don't want to stress the action over the RPG but I want to mitigate the mistakes past games have made.

Video Footage Order of Appearance
Super Mario NES
Oblivion (PC)
Self Development Footage of Game

Song: Oblivion All's Well by Jeremy Soule

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