The BBC is back to calling people with views opinions conspiracy theorists

2 years ago

The BBC is back to calling people with views opinions conspiracy theorists. I fail to see how this can be regarded as news but propaganda. The same tactics was used with covid lockdowns and no. Medical grade masks saying if you did not agree with these things then you were some sort of conspiracy theorists. Before I start I am into green stuff but fail to see what Oxford is planning will do anything much and I suspect in the long term it will be used to charge people in some form. The article is doing what it did with the lockdown. In it it seems to suggest the Oxford zone is still happening however it is at the same time trying to suggest people are spreading false information. One suspects they found someone on Twitter who is confused and has posted that Oxford is going to stop people leaving your home. In truth one suspects most people understand the scheme and are not telling each other rubbish. However what the BBC has done is used the people with extreme views as a sort of representative of everyone who is against this zone thing and labels them conspiracy theorists. They did this with the lockdowns. They clearly found the odd nut who was saying stupid things then tried to suggestive everyone who was against the lockdown and non medical grade masks were conspiracy theorists. Indeed it turns out that the lockdowns did next to nothing and resulted in many deaths and the non medical grade face masks did not protect you (who knows what particles your breathing in from them and if you will have lung problems in years to come). I will never forget a lady who filmed herself in her car saying she worked in some UK medical thing and they had no work on. While one suspects this was true the BBC called her a conspiracy theorists snd at the bottom on the article asked people to contact the BBC if they knew people who were also conspiracy theorists. So if you did not have the correct thoughts you had to be reported. So unless I am wrong, this article seems to suggest that the zone thing is going ahead but is trying to stop people from objecting to it by calling anyone who has not got the facts 100% correct a conspiracy theorists.

Link: False climate lockdown claims in Oxford lead to death threats

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