Avoid doing laundry! How about don’t drink or bathe in the water? Is there snake venom in the water

2 years ago

Pay attention to your Intuition!

Black, White & Red: Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities

Shadow~Light~Life (Blood)


Black: Death, Slavery, Submission, Separation
White: Purity, Goodness, Innocence, Glory
Red: Warning, Aggression, Fertility, Hunting

Yemen uses the tricolor: black is said to stand for the dark days of the past, while white represents a bright future and red the blood of the struggle to achieve independence and unity.

Main Stream Media reports that 2/3 of the citizens of Yemen 20 Million out of 30 Million require food assistance. Will Yemen be the first country to fall?

#famine #endtimes #foodshortage

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