Self Respect | Predestination

2 years ago

Seeking external validation implies a lack of faith in your own “I Am,” and a little regard in the products of your “I Am.”

All circumstances are the products of faith in “I Am.”

And without a concept of the self that is stable over time and valued against that influences of money and recognition, there can be no faith in “I Am.”

And no influence on the external world.

Without self respect, endless false gods take control of the individual, who are themselves extorting and expressing faith in their own “I Am.”

Without self respect an individual becomes a supporting character, a means to an other’s end.

Self respect is the necessary condition for a vicious process to become a virtuous process.

And the abandonment or sale of self respect is the redirection of a virtuous process into a vicious process.

The man or woman who has self respect cannot be swayed by the conditions of the world.

And his or her self image becomes a cornerstone upon which the external world grow around.

The man or woman who lacks self respect becomes tossed and turned about from the waves of experience, continuously accumulating ore, from which respectable image of self can be purified.

In an instant, any collected self can be crystallized into a meaningful and influential individual through the curing process of self respect.

And the most meticulously collected and collectively worked upon individual can be instantly disintegrated by being shattered against a more self respecting individual.

A foundation of self respect creates a structure upon which a family, a community, a nation can be soundly built upon.

And the fruits of a individual who lacks self respect are as toxic to those that consume it as they are toxic to the individual produce who lacks self respect.

©2022 Pearls & Bacon Ltd.

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