Which Pain is Worse? Response to Tyler Zed of Zeducation

2 years ago

Backstory: Tyler Zed asked for WOMEN to respond in the comments when he deemed getting kicked in the groin more painful than childbirth.
His reasoning? Men don’t ask to be kicked again but women CHOOSE to go through childbirth more than once. This video shows, he’s wrong! lol

Check out his whole video & consider subscribing to Zeducation here: https://youtu.be/P5dCVrslGUY

Other clips used:
WES BARKER - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4tPqakU_Ks (who also used a clip from “Oliver”)
UNILAD on Facebook - https://fb.watch/d0XdCILJj_/

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Music from the iMovie library: Field Report by Founder

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