How Tycoons and Mobsters Built Las Vegas | The Real Story

2 years ago

💎 How Tycoons and Mobsters Built Las Vegas || Wolf of Mainstreet ⭐

Las Vegas is in the middle of the Mojave desert, one of the driest places on earth. And only 120 years ago this place was little more than a desert outpost.

At the turn of the 20th century, only 25 people lived in what then resembled an encampment. It was the Wild West. It brought people a fresh start and for others a second or even third chance at life.

So in 1855, the Mormons built a fort in what would later become Las Vegas. It provided a rest stop for travelers between Salt Lake City and Los Angeles. And Las Vegas could have remained an insignificant pit stop, had it not been for one man. His name was William Andrews Clark.

Like the Mormons before him, this US senator and mining baron from Montana, recognized the strategic importance of Las Vegas.

Although Las Vegas is located in the middle of the dry Mojave desert there is one thing that makes Las Vegas unique in the region. Its access to water.

More importantly for Clark, the water in Las Vegas supplied his railroad that ran from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles. It provided enough water to fill the massive 25,000 gallon water tanks of his steam locomotive trains. Yeah, they were massive.

So In 1902, Clark bought 1,800 acres of the Las Vegas Valley with water rights for only $55,000 dollars. And only 3 years later, Clark would subdivide 110 acres into lots for sale. When all was said and done, Clark sold half of the lots for $265,000 at auction. And just like that downtown Las Vegas was born.

In the early 1900s, the city revolved around and frankly was owned by the railroad.

By 1930, the city had grown to just over 5,000 from only 25, 30 years earlier. But it would take a World War and the building of the tallest dam at the time (Hoover Dam) before Las Vegas would enter its infamous Casino era.

But even then we could see glimpses into what would later become modern Las Vegas.

It would take the legalization of gambling in Nevada in 1931 and the arrival of Bugsy Siegel in the late 1930s to propel Las Vegas to the iconic city that it is today.

Other men that built Las Vegas would include eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes, casino magnate Steve Wynn and Investment Banker Michael Milken.

Las Vegas started as a gritty desert town full of cowboys, but is now a Disneyland for Adults. Who knows what Las Vegas will become over the next few decades?

Find out Las Vegas' past, present and future win this WoM epic!


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00:00 How Las Vegas Exists in the Middle of the Desert?
01:03 Origins of Sin City
05:01 Bugsy Siegel: Father of the Modern Casino
06:12 Flamingo: The Mob Builds Its First Casino
10:05 Jimmy Hoffa: The Mob's Banker
11:55 The Fall of the Mob in Las Vegas
13:10 Howard Hughes: A Visionary Reinvents Las Vegas
16:55 The Corporate Era Arrives in Las Vegas
19:58 The Rise of the Megaresort Era in Las Vegas
21:00 Future of Las Vegas


#lasvegas #casino #gambling

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