Quake 64 (PC) Gameplay

2 years ago

Not a speed run or anything like that. I'm just enjoying the game as it was originally intended, explore, kill, explore. I did forget where the secrets were in the third level. This reminds me, I need to get the actual Quake 64 on the N64. I own the PC original on disk, and even the Saturn version, but not the N64 version itself.

This Quake 64 is an add-on for Quake Remastered, and I'm not sure I like the screen filter. It kinda makes it look like an N64 game, but also is kind of an annoying distraction as well. I'm on the fence about it. Quake 64 made some changes to the original Quake to fit in on the N64 (no hub world for example), but also changed the music, bringing in Aubrey Hodges who also did the score for both Doom games on the PS1, Doom 64, and Quake II on the N64.

If you haven't picked up Quake Remastered on one of the platforms it's available on, I still highly recommend it. Cheap price, a classic FPS game, and a ton of free content comes with it. Great buy.

#Quake64 #Quake #pcgaming

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