Volcanoes Unremembered Series - Volcano Documentary Trailer

2 years ago

Volcanoes Unremembered Series - Volcano Documentary Trailer

This will be a Volcanoes Unremembered Series - Volcano Documentary on extinct volcanoes from the past. This Trailer will give you an idea of what type of information will be presented and what to expect from the volcano documentary. We will go into detail. The first volcano documentary will be published in the very near future. A great deal of research has been conducted into this series.

Many of us live near mountain ranges. What we don't realize is, some of those mountain ranges were once volcanoes. Many are basically Volcanoes Unremembered. We will for once identify those volcanoes that were lost in time. These volcanoes are classified as dormant volcanoes or extinct volcanoes.

Keep in mind, a dormant volcano can still erupt, and also there is a slight chance that an extinct volcano can also still erupt. The chances of a volcano eruption from these types of volcanoes may be small, yet the possibility still exists. It's best to know where these types of volcanoes are located. This is what this volcano documentary does. This documentary will inform you of your surroundings if by chance you are unaware of the possible threat.

I traveled to many countries and many states in the United States. I had no idea many of the places I lived at, worked at, or visited, had Volcanoes Unremembered. There are towns on top of volcanoes. There are Unremembered Volcanoes in cities and towns in the US and worldwide. Watch the Unremembered Volcano Series to find out if a volcano is unremembered near you.

If I could, I'd take trips to every volcano I cover. Since that isn't realistic at this time, I'll instead conduct research and present this volcano's unremembered documentary to you. I've waited a long time to do this volcano documentary. It's well overdue. I dedicate this Unremembered Volcanoes Series to my mother who loved and treasured nature.

We will present a few segments of the series on YouTube but may move over to Patreon in the future. For now, feel free to enjoy the Volcanoes Unremembered Series.

I don't possess a major in Geology nor am I a volcanologist, yet the earth and its experiences fascinate my curiosity. I honestly have learned to love nature and am crawling my way back to understanding nature from a spiritual sense.

Appreciate you stopping by the channel. This is Phoenix Ankaa bringing new information to you on the Phoenix Ankaa Youtube Channel.

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