Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 4th Dominica in Advent...18 December 2022 AD...

2 years ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 4th Dominica in Advent...18 December 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the 4th Dominica in Advent...18 December 2022 today's Gospel the Holy Mother Church is instructed by Christ Our Lord, Her Divine Founder, to understand the time of His coming into the world, and that the same as those who were then waiting for the coming of the Divine Redeemer, knowing in patience that He will come to rescue them from the slavery of the devil, so likewise now the true Roman Catholic Church prays to Christ Our Lord for His Divine help in these troubled times, as the Church is forced into the catacombs of this evil godless world, and that the help of God is the only one that counts as no other can be trusted, only Christ Our Lord as it is His Church...


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