A Special Offer from Pastor Greg and Chosen Generation Radio

2 years ago

Pastor Greg and Chosen Generation Radio are offering a special five book package from Author Don Jans that will educate and entertain you and makes a great gift for your friends, family, kids and Grandkids.
Don describes each book and their benefit to the reader.
Two Visions for America; The Road to Tyranny; Goodbye, Constitution, Freedom, America; Republic or Democracy: Does it matter?; Setting Brush Fires of Freedom
These books give you tools and words to use to help share the message of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Don has been a student of history for over 40 years. He has concentrated in the study of European history with an emphasis on Russian history. This led him to his study of Karl Marx and Marxism. In addition to being a popular speaker on Marxism, Don has also had articles published on the topic. He also has been a guest on regional and national media broadcasts. He is a regular weekly guest on Chosen Generation radio with Pastor Greg. He has traveled extensively in most of the former Soviet block countries seeing an experiencing firsthand the history of tyranny.

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