*Deleted from Youtube* The Ye' Situation exposed a gross lack of loyalty amongst "The Blacks"

2 years ago

*Warning The concepts in this video are thought provoking*

This Community that Claims A color instead of a nationality, doesn't seem to understand the issue with that or the cowardly way they join forces with "Bullies" from other communities Vs 'Victims" from they're own community.
The shameless portrayal of stereotypes and willful obliviousness to the obvious path of destruction they are constantly being led down by the puppets in the entertainment industry the idolize. These amongst a plethora of other issues plaguing this "lost" nation of people, Keeping them suspended in a state of Ignorance. This video gives examples of the unity other groups show in defense of their own right or wrong in contrast to the Lack there of in the "Black group".. community would insinuate togetherness and unity both foreign concepts to these people.

Youtube took down this video for violating their Hate speech policy although I never said anything hateful. I appealed and was swiftly denied so here we are trying to get the truth out else where. All clips are from youtube.

Im pretty sure the Nationality question is what they had a problem with. its an unspoken rule to leave blacks in ignorance because the truth would set them free.

I could of spent a month including examples there is an unlimited supply I decided to wait continue on and add them to my next video

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