Study HARD - Focus with these powerful 5D ADHD affirmation Experience, Exam Success *Reprogram Mind*

1 year ago

In this video, I'm sharing with you my 5D ADHD affirmation Experience, which will help you focus and achieve your academic goals. This Affirmation Experience is powerful and can help you reprogram your mind to focus on your studies, no matter how hard the task might seem. If you're struggling to focus and study for your exams, then this Experience is for you. It will help you to focus and achieve your academic goals, no matter how hard the task might seem. Take advantage of this powerful tool and success will follow!

Includes upbeat music, spoken affirmations, subliminal 5D stereo affirmations. Best listened to with headphone for 30 - 40 minutes each day for 30 days to help to reprogram your mind.

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