Breathwork Tutorial for the Winter Solstice

1 year ago

Tutorial and Guided Meditations for the Winter Solstice
Here is a direct link to register for this webinar –

Free Winter Solstice webinar.
21st December
7 PM – 8:30 PM UK time
2 PM to 3:30 PM EST New York time
I will be teaching holographic breathing and then we will be working with still points and the spaces between the breaths.

I wrote a poem about this about 12 years ago whilst I was living in my van in some woods.
The poem is about the winter solstice but is also based on the experience of the spaces between the breaths.

The Earth and Winters Solstice

Journeying around the sun,
at Yule, she turns furthest from the light.
Here In the dark of the long night, she is veiled,
and here she comes to the fullness of her union with creation.
To enter is to hold Death closest to our heart.
And as we do, we gently move through the veil.

Slowly we come to a clearing, deep stillness is around.
Our Journey from the sun has come to its full.
And in rare quietness, we sit,
time is no more.

Here in this place, we gently slip into the void
and bathe in the energies of creation.
when we are cleansed, and fully drunken from the cup,
she continues on her journey around, and we edge back closer to the light.
slipping out through her veils in birth, we are new, and journeying to the sun.

Here is the link -

Here is a link to free video tutorials –

Holographic breathing is compatible with all forms of breath work including –Holotropic breathing, Wim Hof, soma, rebirthing, connective breathing, transformational breathing, pranayama, and yoga breathing.

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