2 years ago

Time runs and it is relentless. In it are opportunities for progress and good use of life.

We all know the importance of time, but we constantly pay little attention to it. How many times have we spent too much time on diversions, even those that later result in serious regrets.

We need to be aware that we need to use the present time well, value it, and never waste it on undue rest, addictions, plans and actions that harm ourselves or others.

Let us act wisely, taking advantage of the time and powers it has. Let us use the “now” well and happily wait for the “tomorrow”. Let us have no doubt that there is a divine power in time, which gives it special meanings.

Let us be happy with life, with everything that happens to us, and we will see ourselves in constant progress. Let's use faith, without parsimony, and get to work! Let's work with confidence, let go of fears, and everything will turn to our benefit.

It is easy to understand that tomorrow is the child of today, and for a child to be good tomorrow, it is essential that today he has a good cradle and receives good instruction. In short, it is from a well-done today that a happy tomorrow emerges.

May we have an excellent Friday, and at the end of it a well-deserved rest, with the blessings of the Most High.

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