1994 documentary "CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE" based on the book "The Franklin Coverup".

2 years ago

1994 Documentary based on the book "The Franklin Coverup".

Nebraska Senator John Decamp heard rumor's in Washington DC that a pedophile network of high level Washington politicians were part of a Pedophile ring in his home state of Nebraska where he didn't believe it initially and decided to investigate it to put this rumor to rest.

John Decamp hired an investigator to help him investigate this and not long into the investigation his hired investigator Gary Caradori along with his young son were killed in a plane "accident".

Wayne Madsen Report: FBI Killed Franklin Scandal Investigator And His Son
By Wayne Madsen SPECIAL REPORT (June 23rd 2014)

John Decamp soon found that the Omaha Nebraska pedophile ring (I believe Warren Buffet was connected as well) went to the TOP of the Whitehouse in 1990 (President George HW Bush Sr was named by John Decamp as one of these high level politicians who was at these pedophile parties).

John Decamp was now out of politics and no longer the Nebraska Senator and his mentor from Vietnam (who would later become the CIA Director) William Colby told him that he has to write a book and just put it all out there now or "they" will KILL HIM! He said if the information is already out there then their is NO REASON or motive to kill him so John Decamp wrote the book "The Franklin Coverup".

Ex-CIA director William Colby would be found dead in a lake in May 1996. In an interview John Decamp said when CIA Director William Colby went MISSING he and a bunch of people started a SEARCH PARTY and looked for him at his weekend home and they couldn't find him anywhere and the NEXT DAY some "officials" said they pulled Williams Colbys body from the lake where they had previously looked. In an interview, John Decamp said William Colby always wore a life jacket and believes that William Colby was tortured for a week before being killed (May 6th 1996).

When this documentary "CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE" was scheduled to be on TV for May 3rd 1994 but an unknown individual paid $750,000USD to have the documentary removed from TV and all the tapes destroyed. They destroyed all the tapes except ONE which is why this documentary is still available.

John Decamp would later become friends with ex FBI special agent Ted Gunderson who spent the rest of his life investigating Satanic pedophile rings.

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