[2018] "Internet of Things" patent (Audio-only)

2 years ago

Jan. 16 2018 audio-only discussion about the "Internet of Things" patent

The patent actually says that their plan is to identify, tag, track and control literally everything on the planet. Their unquestioned plan is to embed micro-electronic control devices, either surgically or by injection, in every human being on the planet. To them, it’s all about “management of the world’s resources” including you.

Report connects this patent to:
In-Q-Tel, Richard C. Walker, Hewlett-Packard, Bill Clinton, Larry Summers, Gmail, Facebook, Instagram, CIA, Agilent Technologies, Wilmer Hale LLP, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, IBM Eclipse Foundation, DOJ Eric Holder, IBM David Kappos, Cisco, Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, Kleiner Perkins, Qualcomm, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, AT&T, Department of Defense, and more.


Report PDF:


New Patent ID US6965816B2 (Same Patent):

"PFN" means Protected Primary Focal Node.
"TRAC" means Trusted Remote Activity Controller.

The eventual patent focused on remote control of aircraft, but also subsumed control of vehicles, ships, equipment, commerce, education and people.

(Crash any aircraft, any vehicle, anytime, remotely)

Video Source was from a mirror on YouTube:

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