RIP Overwatch | Classic Overwatch Clips | Nostalgiawatch

2 years ago

Man, while I do enjoy OW2, and I do believe it's a better long-term direction for the game, I can't help but remember all the fun/unique/toxic interactions that made Overwatch feel different.

Different from TF2, Paladins, Smite, and every other Hero shooter out there. It was a game of game knowledge, utility timing, and teamwork. The community wasn't really d*ad, just reduced and frustrated with the direction of the game. While I've always been vocal about how weird OW players were, I also appreciated our niche community of masochists. Overwatch was a dread and pain simulator, there's no two ways around it, but now that it's over, I see the value in those frustrating interactions, and I'll miss them.

"Overwatch is a game of chess, designed to make you think you're playing checkers, and you're winning"

It was super fun to find some super old clips (roughly 600 hours of gameplay ago) from when everyone had awful mics, most of us were bad and the boys were DRUNK playing games on a friday night; What a time to be alive.

RIP Overwatch, RIP Daddy Jeff Kaplan, I'll see you on the other side.

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