$600 Hat Improves Posture?

2 years ago

Is this stylish hat worth $600?

I kept hearing about the Iron Neck so I decided to buy it and review it!

It's advertised to fix poor posture, prevent neck injuries, back injuries, and more.

I think it can be a valuable tool for athletes - especially those in high-impact sports.

The PRICE will the main barrier to entry for a lot of people. Even for their cheaper models like the 2.0. BUT this usually matters less and less as the athlete gets more serious about their performance.

(A good example would be professional pool players who spend thousands of dollars on cues DESPITE knowing that cheaper cues can work just as well. You get to a point of dedication where you just think "might as well.")

It can still work well for most people. The premise of the Iron Neck isn't complicated - it's simply another form of resistance training for your neck. The manufacturing is solid and they really try to add all possible features you might want.

If you want to explore the world of neck training without spending $600, try bodyweight variations OR cheaper options on their store. Even the "harnesses" attached to light weights can get you an idea of how it feels.

The product itself is good. If you can afford it without issue, try it out! It's another tool in your arsenal. If not, try some other methods first.

Lots of features I couldn't fully cover in a short - check out their website for more. I'll make a longer review too, perhaps!

Shout out to the company! Check them out: @TheIronNeck

#ironneck #neckpain #posture #unsponsoredreviews #backpain #wrestling #mma #boxing #bjj #hybridcalisthenics #shorts

Legal Notice: Consult your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise program. This video does not replace a physical therapy program or consultation with a medical professional.

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