How I'm getting through losing my son to a fentanyl overdose and remaining sober. #Sobriety #AA #God

2 years ago

#Recovery #Sobriety #QuitDrinking
My personal experience about losing my son to a fentanyl overdose and remaining to stay sober. How I do it, how I live, my life, what gives me the strength to stay clean and sober.  sobriety and being clean and sober is available to anyone who wants it
#QuitDrugs #QuitAlcohol #HowToQuitDrugs #HowToQuitDrinking #BestAASpeakers #AASpeaker #AlcoholicsAnonymous #SelfAwareness #SelfDiscipline #MentalHealth #LivingLifeSober #God #PositiveAffirmations #PositiveThinking #RoadToRecovery #Anxiety #DealingWithAnxiety #DrugProblem #AlcoholProblem #Alcoholic #DrugAddict #Help #Love #Peace #Serenity #JesusChrist #Religion #InnerPeace #InnerStrength #WorkingWithOthers #Hope #Faith #SelfAwareness #SelfHelp #SelfDiscovery#Overdose #Fentanyl #FentanylOverdose #Opiate #Cocaine #CocaineOverdose #OpiateOverdose #Heroin #QuittingHeroin #QuittingMethamphetamine #QuittingSpeed #Cocaine #QuitMeth #QuitAlcohol #QuickSpeed #NarcoticsAnonymous #CocaineAnonymous #AddictionRecovery #AddictionSolution#GettingSober #GetSober #HowToGetSober #JordanPeterson #Help

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