Multidimensional Poisoning of Humanity & The 2/3rd World Split A.U.R.A Regression

2 years ago

A.U.R.A Regression 168
In this session source speaks through the client. We speak on the difference between black gloss AI and the organic sacred black energy of Gaia
The destruction of extracting oil, the covid 19 vaccine and how the infringement can be removed..
Source also speaks about chemtrails & 5G within the multidimensional layers of the poisoning.
Source then share's about the 2/3rd world split and reaching new earth for those high vibrational souls ready. Including those who have removed any black matter AI gloop within them linked to the vaccine's.

A.U.R.A is a quantum healing modality which aids as a bridge to remove nanotech, ai, entities, close portals, retrieve soul fractals taken through ai technology and much more.

We work with source & the benevolent angelic team to aid in this energetic removal. This black gloop & nanotech is highly advanced technology with can look like spiders or small robots.

As practitioners we are able to see this within the client as they also see this during hypnosis.

There are many clients we and other A.U.R.A practitioners have aided with this beautiful removal alchemy & love light technique.

To book a session with Clare & Jeffrey follow the link :

Clare is an A.U.R.A, R.A.A.H & Quantum Galactic Akashic Practitioner to book a session with her follow the website link :

My social media links are:

Jeffrey is an A.U.R.A & R.A.A.H Reiki Practitioner to book a session with him follow the website link :

Clare & Jeffrey are not a licensed medical professional.

Healing and medicine are two separate disciplines. The modalities I use are the art of healing, not the practice of medicine.

For more information on Archons, reptilians, the ascension in general or to become an AURA or RAAH reiki practitioner check out the founder of AURA Rising Phoenix Aurora on her YouTube channel or visit

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