ITV's Roger Pearce third journalist/broadcaster to die suddenly, unexpectedly at Qatar World Cup

2 years ago

ITV's Technical Director Roger Pearce died on November 21st, 2022 at the age of 65, while working in Qatar on the Soccer World Cup. More information and source of video:

ITV pays tribute to Technical Director, Roger Pearce, after death at Qatar World Cup

Steve Hammal writes:

"I worked under Roger Pearce when he was ITV Meridian's Technical Director. He was the kindest, most affable, fair-minded and funny boss I ever had. Gutted to hear he passed away suddenly in Qatar on his latest World Cup as ITV Sport Technical Director. RIP Big Man 😥"

Sports/soccer journalist Grant Wahl also died. See:

Sports journalist, vaxx true believer Grant Wahl (48) dies suddenly while covering World Cup match

Update: Soccer journalist Grant Wahl suddenly died due to ruptured aortic aneurysm. Vaxx induced?

A Qatari photo journalist for Al Kass TV named Khalid al-Misslam died suddenly and unexpectedly the day after Grant Wahl's death. See:

Soccer World Cup 2022: Second journalist dies suddenly the day after Grant Wahl's death

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