WINO FOREVER- THE DEPPENING PODCAST: Ep.51 Sat-Chat - Lily-Rose-Kate Moss-Whitney Heard-Ellen Barkin

2 years ago

in this "Wino Forever-The Deppening", we harp on some of the glossed over bullet points of the trial and Johnny Depp's life. Including...

-Lily-Rose Depp -- and the Depp-Head social media backlash. Has she been instructed to lay low and why? As well as the specific outcry Depp-Heads hurled towards Lily-Rose and her mysterious ways - for not standing on the front-lines defending her beloved father.

-Ellen Barkin and her "hell hath no woman scorned" bitter towards Depp. As well as her cry-wolf #metoo history.

-John "ARM" narrates (as a sassy Mr. Feeny) the entire Johnny Depp portion of the Kate Moss biography -- with ALL it's salacious lost biographical facts. Including Depp's jealous rage over male model Michael Bergen.

-Whitney Heard and her bastard step-child existence. As well as the infamous reality show confession of her letting Amber physically abuse the "baby-sister".

-Actor Steven Crowley's 2008 account of his experience with Amber Heard on the KARATE KID UFC knock-off, NEVER BACK DOWN. Including the on-going tryst with Billy Bob Thornton from FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. As well as a lurking drug-dealer - and Tasya Van Ree on set.

And much more!!!

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