Anthony Fauci says that he vaccinated Santa Claus

2 years ago

Anthony Fauci is pure evil. He is just a little gnome bitch shilling for the government. This thing deserves to be castrated so that it doesn't reproduce more versions of itself. As always, he is promoting the vaccine for his christmas vaccine propaganda on the propaganda and censorship network known as CNN. He pretends to smile for the "safety" of the child when really, he is smiling for the child's death from the vaccine like the sadistic psychopath he is. Remember, with all the controversy stirring up against him, you'd probably think that he'll be held accountable soon. No, he will never be held accountable, at least not by the government because he is a part of the government. He should be executed, he deserves to be punished... but because he's protected by the government and the brainwashed sheep that support him, he will never be punished. He is above the law.

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