2 years ago


The TSE (Superior Electoral Court) censored a speech by former STF minister Marco Aurélio Mello in a program by President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) aired on TV this Wednesday (19.Oct.2022). In the cut section, the former magistrate says that former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) was not exonerated. Instead of speech, a QR Code appears that leads to the Court's WhatsApp channel.

On October 12, Minister Paulo de Tarso Sanseverino suspended the airing of a video of the president's campaign that called Lula a “thief” and “corrupt”.

The request analyzed by the minister was made by Lula's campaign. He says that the program “leads voters to false information that Lula is not innocent”. He quotes the excerpt from Marco Aurélio's statement in an interview with Jornal da Band, which was suppressed. The former Supreme Minister says the following in the cut part: “The Supreme Court did not exonerate him [Lula]. The Supreme Court accepted the nullity of the criminal case”.

In place of the excerpt, the QR Code appears and the following words: “Exhibited to replace program suspended for electoral infraction”.

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