Tech Tips Tuesday 38 – Video Editor Bonanza & KDE Frameworks 5.101

1 year ago

TTT 38.1 – OpenShot 3.0 Released with over 1000 Tweaks and Fixes

Wow! That’s a big number... Let’s see, when did they last update? Over a year ago... That is FOREVER in the FOSS world. I use this to clip out my memesplanations and add titles to them before I upload the shorts to Rumble. Hopefully, even on my ancient machine, it will help the rendering process be a little quicker, and the editing process a bit smoother overall. Let’s see a handful of highlights:

· 4k Support
· Better RT video playback performance
· Simultaneous video export ability
· More compatibility for different formats
· Blender3.3 LTS Support

WAY More, if you are a budding content creator or want to do a bit of the side, check this thing out, unless you are married to a different workflow.

#TTT #openshot #FOSS #videoeditor #Linux #goodstuff #TechFreedom

Hauerwas is a modern Reformed theologian. One must await the fulfillment of promises, that is what Advent is about as a liturgical season. We focus on the promise of Messiah, try to place ourselves in the shoes of the Hebrews who received these prophecies in what we call the Old Testament, only we know that Christmas is a historical fact. This patient waiting season helps us to counter the insane rush and unsustainable “now” that our world tries to tell us is normal and should be expected. Breathe.

#TTT #advent #quotes #memesplanation #stanleyhauerwas #moderntheology #TechFreedom

TTT 38.2 – KDENLive 22.12 Released

What is KdenLive? Another FOSS, Cross-platform video editor. It is based on QT and KDE toolkits (thus the name). So what didthey dowith theirmore than 350 commits for this version?

· Overhauled the Guide and Marker system
· Improved Gaxnimate Integration
o Glaxnimate is a 2D Vector drawing application
· UX Improvements
o New hamburger menu as an option to replace the traditional menu system
o explainer text for certain elements added
o User defined cache size for Kdenlive
o Cleaned up the settings page, which was something of a mess before
· Keyframeable Audio Graph Filters
Much more, and you’ll have to check it out if you’re interested. Good Stuff,Kdenlive team.

#TTT #kdenlive #videoeditor #coolstuff #TechFreedom

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#TTT #techtips #TechFreedom #internetfreedom #nogoogle #nometa #noyahoo #nomicrosoft

TTT 38.3 – KDE Frameworks 5.101 Now Out with Some Notable Features

This update is primarily focused on Plasma Wayland quality of life improvements, but there are a few other things involved as well. Let’s take a look...

· Tweaks to menus in different places
· New icons for certain apps like SimpleScreenRecorder
· Better organization for Settings Apps
· Search For section in Dolphin is now gone by default, but available to add back in if you want it
· Plasma Wayland
o Multimonitor
§ Scales automatically between monitors when you move windows across different screens with different resolutions

And about 175 other bug fixes and tweaks. I love how KDE is constantly being improved on, and watched a video from The Linux Experiment recently, and here’s the link for that ( and agree with much of what he said about the places where KDE seems to drop the ball, even if Plasma is the best, most powerful DE in the world (my personal opinion, but you are free to have a different point of view.

#TTT #foss #KDE #Linux #updates #TechFreedom

10 Things My Wife Thinks You Should Know about Tech Freedom.
#TechFreedom #wifeysauce #getfree #explainer

10 Things My Wife Thinks You Should Know about Tech Freedom.
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