What Schools are Keeping from Parents: How Predators are accessing minors through the Trans Movement

2 years ago

Jon K. Uhler, LPC, Founder of SurvivorSupport.net, and a professional therapist with 30+ years’ experience treating sexual abuse survivors, troubled teens, and sex offenders, is interviewed by RH Media’s founder, Ronnie Herman, about the clear and present dangers unfolding in schools, which are intentionally being kept from parents, regarding the ways their children are actively being groomed by means of the Trans Movement, thus making them easy prey for predators actively working toward gain direct access to them.

Original versions of this interview by RH Medi's founder, Ronnie Herman:
To access more important interviews by RH Media 'Standing for Children', regarding how to protect kids from the those seeking to use the school system to exploit them and to sexualize them, click here:

Jon K. Uhler's Twitter page:

Youtube: @JonKUhlerLPC

Jon K. Uhler and Alex Aharon, of The Gender Mapping Project, pull back the curtain to expose the Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine:
Pt. 1 https://youtu.be/-g-z9qBJAYo
Pt. 2 https://youtu.be/xYRicZ7A0b8
Pt. 3 https://youtu.be/872tsUpTdvM

Jon K. Uhler shares his concerns re. the Trevor Project enabling sexual predators to directly access vulnerable minors:

For further analysis of the dangers of the Trans Movement from two seasoned therapists, the following video is recommended: 'Unmasking the Dangers of the Trans Movement: Two Therapists Speak Out' https://youtu.be/IYClP3OqSok

To hear the interview with Jenn Smith, a legitimate Transgender male, who is working to protect vulnerable Canadian foster kids from falling prey to greedy agenda-driven doctors, watch: https://youtu.be/tUnbKDjgTI8

Newspaper Columnist, Brandon Showalter, shares his insights with Jon K. Uhler, LPC, into the dangers and Agenda pushing the Trans Movement: https://youtu.be/WcQMrwUnupw

To better understand why radical porn-fueled men and their apologists are trying to push for legislation that would outlaw so-called "Conversion Therapy", view the following brief video:

Jon K. Uhler's websites:


Blog: https://www.SurvivorSupport.us

Journey to Healing, a live counseling internet TV program, can be heard LIVE, Friday nights, 8pm-9pm EST in the US, on https://www.TECNTV.com

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