The predatory Agenda called "The Trans Movement." SOGI Intl Taskforce interviews Jon K. Uhler, LPC

2 years ago

Parents are awakening to the dangers of what their kids are being taught in school, under the guise of the Trans Movement's deviant SOGI (Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity) Sex Ed. The SOGI International Taskforce has been created to educate and equip parents to protect their kids from this harmful sexually deviant material being used to sexually influence and groom minor, thus making them easy prey for the financial and sexual predators who use the Trans Movement to gain direct access to vulnerable gender-confused minors.

Brad Wilder, of the SOGI Intl. Taskforce's News Desk, interviews Jon K. Uhler, LPC, about the "big picture" of why the Trans Movement was created, and helps the viewer connect the dots re. the special interests who are pushing this grand scheme. Brad Wilder also introduces Jon K. Uhler, LPC, as the Taskforce's Lead Clinical Member, responsible for overseeing the growing team of clinical and medical experts dedicated to helping unmask the grand deception called the Trans Movement, and the dangers of the medical fraud called Transgender Medicine.

SOGI International Taskforce website:

Jon K. Uhler's Twitter page:

Youtube: @JonKUhlerLPC

Jon K. Uhler's website:

Jon K. Uhler's Blog:

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