How porn is being used to groom minors into the Trans Movement

2 years ago

The Pushers of the Trans Movement understand the strategic power of porn to influence teens toward "transitioning." Jon K. Uhler, LPC & Alix Aharon, of the Gender Mapping Project, reveal how porn is used to groom minors, making them easy prey for the sexual predators waiting for them in that Movement.

Jon K. Uhler's Twitter page:

Youtube: @JonKUhlerLPC

The brief segment is from the video: The Dark Reality Behind Transgender Medicine (Pt. 2)

Newspaper Columnist, Brandon Showalter, shares his insights with Jon K. Uhler, LPC, into the dangers and Agenda pushing the Trans Movement:

For further analysis of the dangers of the Trans Movement from two seasoned therapists, the following video is recommended: 'Unmasking the Dangers of the Trans Movement: Two Therapists Speak Out'

For an understanding of the special interests pushing the Trans Agenda, the following video is recommended: 'Understanding the Trans Movement'

To understand how the Trans movement has facilitated deviance on college campuses, thus placing young women at risk, listen to the discussion between Jon K. Uhler, LPC, and Patrick Trueman of the Natl. Counsel on Sexual Exploitation:

For an eye-opening look at the "special interests" behind the push to legalize pornography, watch Jon K. Uhler's intensive 2-part documentary:

Jon K. Uhler's forensic clinical work behind bars with incarcerated sexual predators, visit:

Jon K. Uhler's full bio can be viewed here:

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