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![The badly guided, materialistic Man... Jesus elucidates ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 46](
The badly guided, materialistic Man... Jesus elucidates ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 46
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The Third Testament Chapter 46… The badly Guided and Materialist Man
Revelations of Jesus Christ
Lethargy of the Spirit, Ignorance and Arrogance of Men
Thus saith the Lord…
1. The purpose for the creation of the world is man; for his pleasure I have placed there all the other beings and elements so that He may make use of them for his preservation and enjoyment.
2. Yet, if He had loved and recognized Me from the first times, from his spiritual infancy, today He would form part of a world of great spirits where ignorance would not exist, nor would there be distinctions: a world in which all of you would be equal in knowledge and in the elevation of your sentiments.
3. But, oh, how slowly man evolves! How many centuries has He lived on earth without yet reaching an understanding of his spiritual mission and his true destiny? He has been unable to discover within himself the spirit that never dies because it has eternal life; He has not known how to live in harmony with it, nor has He recognized its rights, and the spirit, deprived of its rights, has not developed its gifts and is stagnated. (15, 24)
4. Man, upon distancing himself from the fulfillment of My law, has created ideas, theories, religions, and diverse doctrines that divide and confuse humanity, tying its spirits to materialism and impeding it from ascending freely. However, the light of My Holy Spirit illuminates all men, showing them the path of true life where there is only one guide, the conscience. (46, 44)
5. A materialist loves only human life, but recognizing that it is fleeting, He tries to live it intensely.
6. When his plans or ambitions are not realized, or when pain in some form surprises him, He becomes desperate, blaspheming and cursing his fate, blaming it for his not receiving the returns to which He believes He has a right.
7. They are weak spirits in stubborn material forms; they are morally small beings who are tested in many ways to make them understand the true value of acts which, in their materialism, they attribute to acts of little merit.
8. Oh, how the materialists wish to modify their destinies! They would wish all to be done according to their ideas and their will. (258, 48 – 50)
9. Now you may understand that if I have always manifested Myself in My wisdom to men, it has been to free the spirits imprisoned by limited understanding.
10. Even in this time there exist minds that are slow and without inspiration. In a time when men should already possess lucid minds cleansed by evolution, many yet think and live as they did in the primitive ages.
11. Others have achieved great advances in science, but wrapping themselves in vanity and selfishness, and believing they have reached the height of wisdom. They are stalled on the road of their spiritual evolution. (180, 32 – 33)
12. If men lived awake to the higher life that exists and vibrates above them, and if they knew how to ask questions of the spirit, they would avoid many stumbling blocks and save themselves from many abysm; but they spend their lives asking the men of science, who have studied the material nature but cannot resolve their questions and their uncertainties. They do not know spiritual life, because inside them their spirits have fallen into slumber.
13. The spirit of humanity needs to wake up so that it can find itself and discover the gifts that have been given it to help in its struggle.
14. Today, man is like a small dry leaf fallen from the tree of life and at the mercy of the winds, subject to a thousand troubles, weak before the elements of Nature, and small and fragile before death when He should have made the earth his dominion like a prince sent by Me to perfect himself in the world. (278, 4 – 6)
15. The time of judgment, in which I will ask some “why have you denied Me”, and others, “why have you persecuted Me”, has arrived. Does He who has not been able to penetrate himself have the right to deny the existence of My Kingdom? Not knowing My truth is different from not knowing about something of which you were able to conceive; I tell you that your ignorance is plentiful and your arrogance great.
16. In truth I tell you, that whoever denies God and his Kingdom has denied himself. He who wishes to take strength from himself alone, believing himself absolute, and feeling proud of being able to be great without need for God, will have short steps in this world, He shall soon be lost, and his sufferings shall be very painful.
17. Where are the truly wise?
18. To know is to feel My presence; to know is to let yourself be guided by My light and do My will; to know is to understand the Law; to know is to love. (282, 19 – 22)
19. Today, your spiritual ignorance is so great that when you remember those who have departed for the beyond, you say, “Poor man. He died and had to leave it all and go away forever.”
20. If you only knew with what compassion those spirits look upon you from the spiritual world when they hear you talk like that. Pity is what they feel for you when they are faced with your ignorance, for if you could behold them, though only for an instant, you would be speechless, astounded by the truth. (272, 46 – 47)
21. You have given greater value to material things than they really have, and in contrast you now wish to know nothing of the spiritual; your love of the world has become such that you struggle to ignore all that refers to the spiritual as much as possible, because you believe that knowledge impedes your advancement on earth.
22. I tell you that knowledge of the spiritual does not impede either the moral or scientific advancement of man. On the contrary, that light reveals to men an infinite channel of knowledge that is now unknown to his science.
23. As long as man resists elevating himself on the ladder of spirituality, He shall not be able to approach the true greatness that shall be given him here in the bosom of the Father by the supreme happiness of being the child of God, a child worthy of My Spirit because of his love, his elevation, and his wisdom. (331, 27 – 28)
Lack of Willingness for Abstention, Effort and Responsibility
24. If humanity is not obstinate in their ignorance, their existence on earth shall be otherwise, but men rebel against My commandments, deny their destiny, and instead of collaborating with Me in My work, look for ways to evade My law in order to work their own will.
25. I tell you also, that if humanity would observe all of their actions carefully, they would realize how they rebel against Me at every step.
26. If I pour My blessings out upon men, they become selfish; if I allow them to taste pleasure, they commit excesses; if I test their fortitude in order to temper their spirits, they protest; and if I permit the bitter cup to reach their lips so that they may be purified, they apostatize from life and feel a loss of faith. If I put upon their shoulders the burden of a large family, they become desperate, and when I promote some loved one of theirs from the earth they accuse Me of being unjust.
27. Never do I see you resigned, never do I hear you praise My name in the midst of your trials, nor do I behold you trying to participate in My work of creation by means of your lives. (117, 55 – 57)
28. I have placed greatness in man, but not the one that He seeks on earth. The greatness that I speak of is sacrifice, love, humility and charity. Man continually flees from those virtues withdrawing from his true greatness and from the dignity that the Father has given him as His son.
29. You avoid humility because you believe it to signify smallness. You evade ordeals because misery frightens you, without realizing that they come only to liberate your spirit. You also avoid the spiritual because you believe that by delving deeper into that knowledge means wasting your time, not knowing that you despise a light superior to all human science.
30. That is why I have told you that there are many who even though they swear that they love Me they do not love Me, and saying they believe Me they do not have faith; they have come to tell Me that they are ready to follow Me, but they want to follow Me without a cross. And I have said to them: Anyone who wants to follow Me, let him take up his cross and follow Me. Anyone who embraces his cross with love will reach the summit of the Mountain where He will breathe his last sigh on this earth in order to be resurrected to the eternal life. (80, 37 – 39)
31. Today, instead of eliminating the misery that exists everywhere, man selfishly attempts to use it to his benefit.
32. Why hasn’t man sought an ideal that helps him to elevate his emotions and pursue goals that are worthy of his spirit? It is because man has not wanted to perceive beyond his physical needs, that is to say, beyond his miseries, his earthly pleasures, and his material science.
33. He dedicates his time on earth to accumulating riches and seeking pleasures, believing that, once He dies, He will cease to exist.
34. Man, in his ignorant pride, instead of elevating and seeing himself as a child of God, descends to the level of an inferior being, and if his conscience speaks to him of Divinity and spiritual life, his fear of the justice of God overpowers him and He prefers to silence that inner voice, diverting his thoughts from those warnings.
35. He has not meditated on existence itself, nor in his spiritual and material condition. How can He cease to be dust and misery while He lives and thinks that way. (207, 18)
36. My Doctrine, which at every moment is the explanation of the Law, has come to you as the road of light, as the secure opening for the spirit; nonetheless, men using the free will they were given, and wishing to choose a path for their lives, choose always the easy road of materialism; some of them refusing absolutely to hear the calls of their consciences, which lead always to the spiritual; while others who create cults and rites so they may believe themselves marching firmly on the spiritual path are, in truth, as egotistical as those who exclude My name and My word from their lives. (213, 51)
37. The road is prepared and the door open for all who wish to come to Me.
38. The road is narrow, you have long known that, none of you are ignorant that My Law and My Teaching are too infinitely clean and strict for any to think of reforming them to their own convenience or will. 39 The wide road and the broad doorway are not precisely those that lead your spirit to the light. The wide road is that of libertinism, disobedience, arrogance, and materialism: the road that the majority follow seeking to flee from their spiritual responsibility and from the inner judgment of their conscience.
40. That road can not be infinite, because it is neither true nor perfect, and since, like all things human, it is limited, one day man shall come to the end of that road, where He shall stop, horrified, to lean out over the abyss that marks the end of that path. Then is when chaos shall arise in the hearts of those who have long deviated from the true path.
41. In some there will be repentance, for which purpose they shall find enough light to save themselves; in others will arise confusion when faced with an end that they consider unfair and illogical; in others there will be blaspheMy and rebellion, yet truly I tell you, that shall be the beginning of the return to the light. (333, 64 – 68)
The Spiritual Misery of Men
42. I have not been mistaken in what I have done; man has certainly mistaken his route and his existence, but soon He will return to Me like the prodigal son who squandered all his inheritance.
43. With his science He has created a new world, a false kingdom. He has made laws, He has set up his throne and has appropriated for himself a crown and a scepter. But how fleeting and deceiving is his splendor! A weak gust of My justice is enough for their foundations to be shaken and all their empire to crumble. Nevertheless, the kingdom of peace, of justice and of love, is very distant from the heart of mankind, who has not been able to conquer it.
44. The pleasure and the satisfactions, which their work provides for men, are fictitious. In their heart there is pain, uneasiness and disappointment, which are hidden behind the mask of their smile.
45. This is what has been done with the human existence, and regarding the life of the spirit and the laws that govern him, they have been distorted forgetting that there are also forces and elements that vivify the spirit with which man should be in contact to endure the ordeals and temptations and withstand all the obstacles and disappointments along the road of his ascent toward perfection.
46. That light from the infinite that reaches every spirit does not originate from the sun; the strength that the spirit receives from the Beyond is not an emanation of the earth; the fountain of love, of truth and of health which calms the thirst for knowledge of the spirit is not the water of your seas or your springs. The environment that surrounds you is not only material, it is an emanation, breath and inspiration which the human spirit receives directly from the Creator of everything, from the One who has created life and governs it with His perfect and immutable laws.
47. If men put a little of good will toward returning to the path of truth, they would instantly feel like an incentive of the caress of peace. But the spirit, when it becomes materialistic through the influence of the material, succumbs in its wars, and instead of being the lord of this life, the helmsman guiding his ship, becomes a slave of human tendencies and inclinations and a castaway in the midst of the storms.
48. I have already told you that the spirit is before the flesh, as the body is before the garment. That body that you possess is merely a passing fashion of the spirit. (80, 49 – 53)
49. O, if only all men wished to look upon the light being born into this era, how much hope there would be in there hearts! But they sleep, not knowing even how to receive the light sent them each day by the sun, that first light, which is like an image of the radiant light of the Creator.
50. The sun caresses you and awakens you to the daily struggle, without men, who are insensitive to the beauties of creation, stopping for a few moments to thank Me. The glory could pass them without them realizing it, for they always awaken preoccupied, forgetting to pray to seek spiritual strength in Me.
51. Nor do they seek energy for the material in the sources offered by Nature. All run around hurriedly, without knowing exactly where they are going, and fight, without knowing why, in that senseless blind and deaf struggle in which they have made their spirits materialistic and selfish.
52. With the laws of the spirit, which are the light of life, now forgotten, men destroy, kill each other, and steal the bread from one another’s hands without hearing the voice of the conscience, without stopping to consider their actions, and without stopping to meditate.
53. Yet, if someone were to ask how they judge their lives, they would instantly reply that never in the past had the light shined so brilliantly in human life as now, and that science had never before revealed so many secrets. But they would have to say all this holding a mask of happiness before their faces, for in their hearts they would be hiding all their pain and spiritual misery. (104, 33 – 34)
54. I sent the spirit to incarnate on earth and become human so that it would be prince and lord over all that exists, not to be a slave, a victim, or a beggar, as I see it is now. Man is a slave to his needs, his passions, his vices, and his ignorance.
55. He is a victim of his suffering, his stumbles, and the vicissitudes that his lack of spiritual elevation cause him in his transit through the earth. He is a beggar, because not knowing the part of the inheritance that corresponds to him in life, He does not know of what He is owner, and acts like nothing belongs to him.
56. It is necessary that this humanity awaken to begin to study the book of spiritual life and transmit that idea from generation to generation so that soon, the blessed seed will arise in which My word will be fulfilled.
57. I have told you that this humanity shall one day reach spirituality, and will know how to live in harmony with all that has been created, and to march together harmoniously in heart, spirit, and understanding. (305, 8 – 11)
Earthly Misconduct and its Consequences
58. When I see men occupied in their wars, killing each other for the possession of the riches of the world, I cannot but continue comparing humanity with those children who fight over worthless objects. Men are still children who fight for a little bit of power or gold. What do these possessions mean compared to the virtues treasured by other men?
59. You cannot compare the man who divides peoples by sowing hatred in their hearts, with He who consecrates his life to watering the seed of universal brotherhood. You can not compare He who goes on causing the suffering of his brothers, with He who dedicates his life to relieving the pain of his fellow men.
60. Every man dreams of a throne on earth, even though from the beginning they have seen how little an earthly throne is worth.
61. I have offered you a place in My kingdom, but few are those who have accepted; they do not wish to understand that the smallest subject of the King of Heaven is greater that the most powerful monarch on earth.
62. Men are still children, yet the great trial that approaches will make them pass from infancy to maturity in a very short time, and with the benefit of that experience they shall cry out: “Jesus, our Father, was right. Let us join Him. (111, 3 – 7)
63. Men seek immortality in the world, trying to reach it through material works, because although earthly glory is ephemeral, it is tangible; they forget about the glory of the spirit because they doubt the existence of that life. It is the lack of faith and spirituality that have placed a veil of skepticism over the eyes of men. (128, 45)
64. Human evolution, with its progress, its science, and its civilization has never had as its goal the elevation of the spirit, which is the highest and most noble of what exists in man. His aspirations, his ambitions and his yearnings, have always been his goal in this world. It is here that they have sought wisdom, here that they have accumulated treasures, and here that they have chased after pleasure, honors, awards, powers, and praise. They have wished to find their glory here.
65. That is why I tell you that while Nature advances step by step, without ceasing in its law of unceasing evolution toward the subtile, toward perfection, man has remained behind, stationary and for that reason He has troubles on earth, for that reason He has the trials, the stumbles, and the blows He finds on his road. (277, 42)
66. I want you to have yearnings and ambitions, and that you dream of being great, strong, and wise, but in the eternal goods of the spirit.
67. For reaching those goods requires all the virtues such as: charity, humility, forgiveness, patience, and nobility; in a word: love. And all these virtues elevate, purify, and perfect the spirit.
68. In this small world, in this fleeting dwelling, man, to be great, powerful, rich, and wise, has had to be selfish, vengeful, cruel, indifferent, inhumane, and proud; and all of this has had to lead him toward the opposite, to what is truth, love, peace, and true wisdom and justice. (288, 32)
69. When men find themselves spiritually is when they feel in themselves the presence of the Father, but while they do not know who they are nor where they come from, they feel Me to be distant, strange, and unreachable – or they remain incensing.
70. Only when awakened can the spirit enter the kingdom of truth; man cannot know it by science alone.
71. I see that men wish to have knowledge, glory, strength, riches, and power; I come to offer them the means to achieve all these, but in their essence, their spiritual truth, not in the superficial and artful ways of the world, not in the fleeting or deceitful.
72. When man gives himself to the material, enclosing himself in a small space of a world like yours, He impoverishes, limits, and oppresses his spirit; thereafter, nothing exists for him but what He knows and possesses. Then it is necessary that He lose everything so that He may open his eyes to truth, and once convinced of his error, return his gaze to the eternal.
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