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July 20, 2021 🇺🇸 LIN WOOD... Speech on Donald Trump, Communism, Free Speech, Corruption, Child Sex Trafficking, Voter Fraud, Kandiss Taylor and Q
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Lin Wood is a renowned Lawyer and devout Christian with a good understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ. He shows connections and brings light into the dark carousel of lies.
Be sure to listen to his spot-on speech on Donald Trump, corruption, communism, free speech, liberty, child trafficking, election fraud, etc…
Lin Wood Speech from July 20, 2021
I like to see their faces because I love the people, and you're here because you support Kandiss Taylor. I think you support what I'm trying to do, so you're here for the same reasons, whether it's Kandiss or Lin Wood; you're here because you love your country. You love your freedom, you love your children, and you want your children to breathe the fresh air of liberty. If we don't act, if we, the people, do not act, we're gonna lose it.
Look around you, look at what's happening to our country. It's been going on for a number of years and we have been asleep. Our country has been taken over by communism, without firing a shot. Our governors are corrupt, our state legislatures and legislators are corrupt, our judiciary is corrupt, they have compromised and corrupted our education system, they have infiltrated our churches. The 3% has taken over the 97%.
So now the question is: Now we know about it, now we see our freedom of speech being supressed and literally censored. We see our freedom of peaceful assembly being taken away from us and patriots put in jail in Washington D.C. - they are political prisoners. We see the threats against the church, where they try to tell you how many people can come, how far away they have to sit from each other, when they can and cannot hold services, and your second amendment is next!
Due process is gone; they'll put you into a tribunal and they will get the result they want. They don't care about the rule of law, because once they cheated to get the person they wanted to run this country, we lost the rule of law. But I don't think they got away with it. I saw it coming last summer. A color revolution. Our C.I.A. has done it to other 3rd world countries, and I saw it happening to America. Joe Biden didn't campaign, it was not about an election. It was a color revolution.
Joe Biden, wherever he is... Joe, are you down there? Because I don't think Joe's up there. I do not believe in my heart, and the common sense that God blessed me with, I do not believe that Joe Biden is the President of the United States. In January of 2017, Donald J. Trump gave his inaugural address. It seemed a little bit gloomy at the time when I listened to it. I would urge each and every one of you to go back, find it online, if they haven't censored it yet, watch it and listen to it again. (LINK BELOW THE VIDEO)
Donald Trump knew then everything we're learning about now, and when Donald Trump said: "For too long a handful of people have run this country, and now it's time to take it back and give it to the people", a member of every branch of the United States military came and stood behind him. The military of this country stands behind Donald Trump. He is still the President of the United States of America! Put it on tape, send it to whoever is at the White House. Let them know, we the people know he (Trump) won it. He didn't just win it, it was a landslide of historic proportions.
They cheated in South Carolina, they cheated in Georgia, they cheated in every state in this country. They didn't just cheat to get the top of the ballot, they cheated on the down ballots. I'd like to see some of the down ballot races, to find out who really won and who really lost. These people cheated from the top to the bottom, and they cheated by using the computer voting systems. So, we gotta have a forensic audit of every state, because we the people are not going to be denied our duly elected President, and we the people tell the government who's going to serve. We don't want a cabal of people cheating in our election and telling us who our leader is. This is America!
When Kandiss Taylor came to talk with me and told me she was running for governor, I jumped in right behind her and said: "I'll help you." Just as the military stood behind Donald Trump, I'll stand behind Kandiss Taylor, because Kandiss Taylor loves God. She's not ashamed to tell you, and neither am I. I follow Jesus Christ. It was God who formed this country, and it was God who inspired our founding fathers on how to write the constitution, the bill of rights, and the declaration of independence where it said that, in fact, we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights: The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
No government can take away from us what God Almighty gave us. They can't take the fruits of your work, they can't take what you do with the talent that God gave you and worked for to earn a living for your family. They can't take it away from you. We need to abolish the I.R.S. and we need to give the people back their money!
What I've learned in the past many months is, that the United States of America, the republic formed by God, got transferred into the United States of America, the corporation, in 1871, because we had to borrow money. And so we came along and we got debt issued by the banks run by the Rothschild family. And then in 1911, or 1912, we could not pay our bills, and they took over our banking system. We gotta get the Rothschilds out of our country. They ran up our debts to the point where we've got dollar bills that aren't worth the paper they're written on. We need to go back to the gold standard.
Now, we got some other folks that came along behind them. We got John D. Rockefeller. He found out that he could make a fortune by using oil to manufacture pharmaceuticals. So John D. Rockefeller, not a doctor, formed the American Medical Association, and then they propagandized and said that the naturalist doctors were quacks! No they're not. The pharmaceutical industry in this country is evil. They have gotten you sick, they have gotten you tied to their medications, and they have taken you away from the natural things God created to heal the people He crated to live on this Earth. It's time to go back to the natural medicine, it's time to get rid of the pharmaceuticals.
And then you got a guy now, Bill Gates. He got the same medical degree John D. Rockefeller got: They don't have one. And then he comes up over years, creating pharmaceuticals related to the manufacture not of a natural virus, but of COVID; it's patented! And then he has the vaccine, Moderna. Follow the money, see who owns Pfizer, who owns Johnson & Johnson. Bill Gates wants to depopulate the world. So did Henry Kissinger. The wealthy elite want to kill the middle class in this country. They don't wanna cure, they don't wanna keep you from getting COVID. They want to kill you and depopulate you, so that there can be a ruling elite and a servant class!
We're not gonna let it happen to us in America, are we? They are not gonna take away our freedoms and our opportunity. They're gonna give everybody in this country what God gave us, the opportunity to take the talents He gave us to work hard and to improve our lives. That's the opportunity provided by freedom. They're not gonna take it away from us! And when we find out what they've done over the years and the lies they've told, and we potentially learn that they could have cured cancer 30 or 40 years ago - do you know how many people they've killed for money?
Well we got the banking, didn't we. We got the pharmaceuticals. Do we even need to talk about the mockingbird, that's a term, came in from the C.I.A. in the 1950s: A program exposed in 1974 where the C.I.A., who has no legal right to operate in the United States of America, was buying off journalist and television people to propagandize and brainwash you. They started doing it in the 50s, they've been doing it for over 70 years. That's why people are asleep! That's why people believe what they hear on television, and when you tell them the truth: "Biden lost - Biden lost - Biden lost", they don't believe you, because they're brainwashed. They're gonna have to learn it and see it and experience it themselves, and that's why you're having Arizona, and that's why you're having Georgia, and that's why they said now Wisconsin, and that's why every state ought to rise up and wake those brainwashed people up so that they will know and experience and see that this election was, in fact, a lie, as President Trump called it, the BIG lie, maybe the biggest lie in the history of our country.
Who is the enemy? Amen! The disciples looked over to Jesus and they said: "Jesus, did you come to unite us?" And Jesus said: "No, I came to divide you. Father against son, son against father. 5 brothers and sisters, 3 against 2, 2 against 3. Mother in law versus daughter in law, daughter in law versus mother in law." Jesus came to divide us between believers and non-believers; the devil is at work in this country! And it's gonna be the children of God that rise up with the power of God that He gives us, because He gave the power to the people, and we're going to take back our country for ourselves, and we're gonna take it back for God Almighty. We're gonna return America to being a country 'under God'. "If you don't believe in God, you'll lie, you'll cheat, you'll steal!" - that's the definition of a politician. Get them out of office, get them out of our government! It's time to put God fearing people back in charge of our government, which needs to be minimal.
We don't need the C.I.A., we don't need the F.B.I., we don't need the A.T.F., we have our local sheriffs and police chiefs; they are potentially here to do what the government would like to tell them do. Get Washington D.C. out of South Carolina, Get Washington D.C. out of Georgia, Get Washington D.C. out of Tennessee. We tell them what to do, they do not tell us, we only listen and obey Almighty God!
Last... but not least... the little children. How many millions of little children are somewhere in this world tonight being sexually molested, their body parts being sacrificed, eaten, their blood being used to produce adrenochrome, because the battle we face is between God and the devil. It's not about flesh and blood. God loves the little children, and here comes the devil, and he's killing God's little children. Child sex trafficking, human trafficking is the pandemic, it's not COVID. COVID's fake. COVID is the flu. Fauci is guilty of crimes against humanity. And the people that attended the fake inauguration on the sunny day when it was really cloudy with snow flurries, they are guilty of treason!
I've studied what's going on in Georgia. You know if you do the research and connect the dots you know what happens at the superbowl, you know what happens at all these major sporting events: They gather together and they molest the little children. Child sex trafficking is all over South Carolina, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Columbia; it's all over Georgia - Atlanta, Georgia is probably the capital for child sex trafficking in the United States of America. The devil came to Georgia, he swings by occasionally in South Carolina, he goes to Tennessee, he goes to North Carolina, he goes around this country. We're gonna get the devil out of our states, one at a time, until we get him out of our country.
Why do you think this machine is called dominion? Why do you think the ink that - allegedly Bill Gates' little tattoo is gonna be invisible - why do you think it's called luciferase? Why do you think satanic worship rituals require the satan worshippers to wear masks and stand 6 feet apart? Why do you think the superbowl halftime this year was a satanic ritual starting with the fallen angel, and within the background, cities burning? They're gonna burn our cities! We're gonna stop them.
I thought this was about an election. Was not, was it. I thought if this is about an election we could deal with this in about 30 days. But then the propaganda media had convinced everybody that was brainwashed that Biden was gonna win. All those polls that came out showing him 10 to 15 points ahead for the months before the election: They were lies. But the people listening to the mainstream media believed it, so that when the truth came out on election day, that Donald J. Trump won in a landslide of historic proportions, they had it set up, that if President Trump had said to the military: "Did you get the vote", and they said: "Yes", and he announced it, they would have said that he was trying to overthrow the government. But he's not trying to coup our country, he's trying to save our democracy, our republic. He's trying to save our freedom. So he's got a lot on his plate.
Pray for him. But he can't do it alone. God chooses his children to perform certain tasks, He creates you for a purpose, He gives you the skills, the tools, the ability, the knowledge to get the job done for Him. So we've all got a role to play. So every day, ask God: "What do you want me to do today?" He'll tell ya! You take it one day at a time, you don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow is already planned. God planned the beginning to the end of mankind before He created the world. Your life is planned if you are a child of God. He will not let harm come to you.
But there are beings created to go to hell, so that the children of God will praise and love Him for being given the blessing of going to heaven. You've gotta know hell in order to love and appreciate God for giving you heaven. God works in opposites. When they tell that Joe Biden won more votes than any President in the history of this country, that's a lie, the opposite is true! Donald Trump won more votes than any presidential candidate in the history of this country. When they tell you over there on the Biden character's side that this was the most secure election in the history of America, that means it was the most insecure election in the history of America. Don't be fooled.
But this was all God's plan. We can sit around and say: "Why are you doing this to us?!" But you don't ask God 'why', because He will tell you that He knew things of which you will never know when He created the plan for your life and the plan for this world. You just ask God: "What do you want me to do with it? What do you want me to do about this?" Our job as children of God is to do God's will, one day at a time. I believe and my faith tells me strongly that God's will is for America to be free, for America to remain under the control of the people God created it for and gave the power to: We the people. So every day get up and do your part to help God. His will shall be done on Earth as it is in heaven. He's gonna do it, whether you help Him or not! But if you help Him, the rewards are great, and if you do not help Him, it does not end so well. Spend your day fighting for God's will, fighting for the freedom in this country. Fighting for people like Kandiss Taylor, who loves God, who wants your children and her children in a country that is free!
Those are the things we can do. People write me all the time: "What can I do - What can I do?" Well, the most important thing you can do is pray; God loves to have His children talk to Him, even though He knows what you're gonna say before you say it, because only God knows the future! The devil doesn't know it. We've ignored the devil. Our preachers and our churches have talked about God all of our lives that they forgot to spend a little time talking about the devil, but the devil is real, because God is real. But the devil has no power, does he? The devil has already been defeated at calvary, hasn't he? So we know that we're on the side of victory. We know that God has already won, but God, who is the perfect Father, is in the process of teaching His children and others in this country the perfect lesson. He's giving us perfect discipline, so that, going forward in the future, we'll return as a country to God, and we will love and praise Him for giving us freedom, and we will never let it be threatened again. This is our time! This is our country!
Kandiss Taylor is a candidate that you've got to get behind. We don't need Vernon Jones, he's just another Brian Kemp; Kemp is a criminal! I said he was a criminal in December in Alpharetta, Georgia. I never got a letter from his lawyer, saying: "I'm gonna sue ya!" He's not gonna sue me, because I spoke the truth. Brian Kemp needs to be in jail! So does Brad Raffensperger. So does Jeffrey Duncan. So does Gabe Sterling and the Attorney General Chris Carr. Put them in jail because they tampered with our election, and that is treason! And they're doing it in South Carolina; Lindsey Graham, Drew McKissick, Governor Mcmaster, Tim Scott who's certified a false election - That's not God's will, He would not certify a lie! So you've got the problems in South Carolina, you've got the problems in Georgia, you've got the problems in Tennessee, you've got the problems across this country, because God has let the devil rise up, to show us what evil is like and what it will do. And then when He humbles us and brings us to our knees, He will then crush it, He will defeat it, and we will give Him all the praise and all the glory, because He's Almighty God!
2021... We sure did see things more clearly in 2020, didn't we. And now we're gonna clean that mess up, in 2021. It's cleanup time, it's restoration time. This is not about 2022, sorry Kandiss, we're gonna get you in office in 2021, I think, because we're gonna have another do at the real elections, and we're gonna have honest elections in 2021 in my opinion, because in 2022 it's too late; we gotta act this year! We'll have to have down ballot races in every state. Julian Assange, who's being held a political prisoner in the U.K. - not our friend, by the way, the U.K. - Julian Assange is right. He said when the truth comes out 98% of the people in government will be in jail. He's right! So let them enjoy their time now while they can.
Let Vernon Jones tell you: "Oh I'm gonna come in here and follow Kandiss Taylor." He's probably gonna come up with Jesus, guns and babies tomorrow. Let him do it, everybody will know; he'll be exposed... and then he played, uhm - I'm sorry to get distracted but I wanna make this point, I know I've got a wonderful... Sir, you're black! Wow! I'm white, what are you doing listening to me... that's because you and I are color blind. You and I believe that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was right: We don't judge people by the color of their skin, we judge them by the content of their character! So I don't wanna hear Vernon Jones telling me he's an angry black man. Just tell me he's angry! And I don't want anybody else to tell me that Kandiss Taylor can't win because she is white. This is America, we are all equal, we do not judge people by the color of their skin! Those days are gone, and don't let BLM and Antifa fool you. America is not a systemically racist country. We love each other because we know we are all children of God. That's why America is made up of so many different colors, this is God's country!
I'm on fire, aren't I? Ha ha, man on fire. - I'm shaking them up. They threaten me... they threaten me and I laugh at them! All these people in South Carolina, and all these people in Georgia, and all these people in Tennessee, and you can go around the states. They are controlled by the cabal; also known as the Illuminati. People wanna laugh and say: "Wood's a conspiracy theorist." No I'm not.
Do your research, connect the dots; the Illuminati is real. Adrenochrome is real. Where's Tom Hanks? where's James Comey? God asks us to do something He did not ask the apostles. They saw Jesus when He returned from the dead. They knew He was the son of God by sight. Even Thomas knew it by touch. We're not gonna see Jesus until He comes again, but He's coming. And until that day comes, which could be 10 years, tomorrow, or 1000 years; that's God's timing. God asks us to walk by faith, not by sight. And knowing that His will is done on Earth through His children - until He has to step in. He'll step in, won't He. He did part the Red Sea, didn't He. If He needs to do it again, He will. He asks us to walk by faith, not by sight.
And when you look around at the chaos that others see in this country, and you try to figure it out, and you go: "Whoa, what is going on?!" Walk by faith, until you get sight! Know that there are people that love America, that love freedom; people that pledged, as a matter of oath, to defend and protect the constitution of the United States of America, and to defend and protect the people. That's the members of the United States military. I believe they're gonna do their job!
And then there's another guy who they propagandized and made you think he was all sorts of things, including a racist: Donald Trump doesn't have a racist bone in his body. Ask Herschel Walker. And by the way, Herschel, if you're watching this: Run, Herschel, run! Take Georgia back and give us a heisman trophy in the United States senate. Give us a national championship for Georgia again in the United States senate. Donald Trump took an oath to duly execute the laws of this country. You can trust Donald Trump, he's gonna do his job, and keep his oath too. Now, people say: "Woods, you may be wrong." I don't believe so, as a matter of faith; I believe, and I said it before, I'll say it again.
As I stand on this stage tonight, on the property of which I am the steward, not the owner - it's God's land - I believe, as a matter of faith, that Donald J. Trump is, in fact, still the President of the United States of America. Don't let them tell you otherwise. Last time I checked, you don't impeach a President to get him out of office AFTER he's lost. They tried to impeach him because, those criminals, those people, the enemy, they know exactly what's going on, and they know that Donald Trump is still our President. Watch his rallies, watch the secret service protection he has; that's the protection given to the sitting President of the United States of America. Read between the lines, trust him. People say: "Trust the plan." They talk about Q, I've told people I think Q is real, in terms of what Q believes in. Q doesn't like pedophilia, I don't either. Q doesn't like child sex trafficking, I don't either. Q doesn't like someone trying to steal our freedom, I don't either. So whatever Q is, whoever Q is, I'm on Q's side.
I appreciate the fact that you came out tonight. I know that you spent money and a lot of you drove a long way to get here. I see what you write to me on Telegram. I hear your impatience. I know it has been a difficult few months, it could be a few more. I believe it'll get worse before it gets better, but I believe that there are people who love this country, they're gonna try and minimize the damage, so that we win the war; and we've already won. Amen. Just remember that God goes before us. He goes before us to prepare the table, that He will then have before us in the presence of our enemies. God is in control of everything! And he only acts for good, so never ever give up hope. If you're discouraged, lift yourself up, ask Jesus: "Lift me up! I'm worried about the country, take it off my shoulders, take it outta my mind!" He wants you to have peace of mind, He'll answer your prayers. This is a time for this country to return to faith, to return and strengthen your faith and believe in the Almighty! And when we do, and when this nation once again cries out to the God that created it, and begs and prays for Him to save us, He will do it. Trust Him.
On Earth, choose the people wisely, look at the people running for office. My first and foremost criteria is simple: Do you believe in Jesus? Do you follow the teachings of Jesus? If you do, what can I do to help you? Thank you, Kandiss Taylor! Thank you for having the courage to run. Thank you for having the courage to set forth clearly your faith in God, and you will be a leader! Don't ever let them tell you it has anything to do with how you look or the accents you have or the color of your skin.
Remember, make these elections going forward, all of them, in South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, across the nation: Make them about the content of the candidate's character. And that will get you people in office that will help us keep and preserve the wonderful liberty that we breathe every day. God bless America! God bless you, the people! I love you, God loves you, and we all love the United States of America! God bless this country, and God bless that flag!
Thank you very much!
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