Raising Chad Kids, MSE, Black Pill, Looksmaxxing - Dr. Courtney Donkoh | JawCast #14

2 years ago

Dr. Courtney Donkoh is the Mewing Mom we never had. She understands how to raise kids to have good facial structure. She is also a passionate airway-focused dentist who has treated patients with MSE.

Ron also gets the Doctor's take on Black Pill and Looksmaxxing.

1-on-1 Chat with Ron

Ron's Favorite Mewing Gum
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0:00 Intro
4:08 Discovering airway dentistry
10:10 Raising healthy children
18:12 Why pacifiers are bad
19:56 Does breastfeeding teach Mewing?
21:24 Fake boob product for breastfeeding
24:56 Why are kids now so ugly?
28:16 Mewing for adults
31:02 State of the market for adult expansion
33:20 Mandibular expansion
36:28 Mike Mew case
30:06 Future of airway dentistry?
41:28 General dentists vs orthodontists
47:44 Blackpill / Looksmaxxing

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