God hates Christmas and the rapture will happen!

1 year ago

God hates Christmas, Christmas Eve, palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, sunrise services, hot cross buns, Christmas trees, gift's, Santa, He hates pagan holidays and Christmas is very pagan and birth of Tammuz son of Nimrod and semeranius in ancient Babylon or Iraq now, nimrod tried to make himself a God and built the tower of babel to reach heaven, he married his wife and called her a goddess Ishtar or isis in Egypt and he was killed by Shem and his wife cried for Nimrod and did 40 days of lent to grieve for him and said he would come on good Friday, it is all ancient Babylon pagan holidays of worshipping a moon goddess Ishtar and Tammuz, God even told the Israelites do not go after the idols and pagan traditions around you for I the Lord will become angry and will cut you off from Me, I hate your feast days, your sunrise services and your women baking bread for the queen of heaven, God hates Christmas and Jesus was born in September not December, these lying churches reject God true feast days and stick to the pagan days and always say but God doesn't say we can't celebrate Christmas or Easter and everything is pagan!! The Israelites said the same thing to Moses; we didn't know how long you would be Moses and we didn't hear from you so we built a idol and they were killed for disobeying God, if God said you shall have no idol's before Me He meant it, there is no Christmas, Easter, palm Sunday or any pagan day in heaven at all, nope it is not there but God is and He wants people to follow Him and get rid of everything of the world, Jesus will just arrive and grab His bride and if you are not ready you will not be taken at all, time is up and God is super angry and He will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world and no one will stop Him from doing it

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