America will be destroyed and God is very angry

2 years ago

America is far worse then Sodom and Gomorrah and Biden signed the sodomite marriage act into law and had all the sodomites gay drag queens come to the white house and celebrated their wicked lifestyle and were proud of it, they mocked God and God remembers Noah flood when the wicked were left and only Noah and his family were saved in the ark, men, women, children died in the flood because they were wicked and hated God a lot, same with Sodom and Gomorrah, all the gays sodomites tried to rape the angels and got blinded and only lot and his daughters and wife were saved, everyone else was not, lot wife looked back and got turned into a pillow of salt, America Churches are dead and nothing inside at all, no life at all and they are accepting the sodomites inside the churches, drag queens and support abortion, wearing masks and getting the vaccines, they are not real believers but followers of Satan and the world, woke pastors will answer to God and He will not be nice to them at all!! They are not telling about repentance, heaven or hell or reading the Bible because it offends their stiff-necked way's and they do not want to loose money at all, these wicked pastors love the attention and money and they live in huge mansions while members lost their house or job and struggling to pay and can't afford anything at all, the pastors say oh just ask God to give you more money but they take from the poor and use it for themselves, that angers God a lot and rich people will have nothing in hell at all, you die and are rich you take nothing with you at all, nothing, like the rich man who was sad Jesus told him to give up everything and follow Him and Jesus said how hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, Jesus is the alpha and Omega and not a baby in the manager anymore, He will come in the clouds of heaven with all His angels and those who were raptured after the tribulation ends and all the wicked will cry because they will see Jesus and He will not be nice at all, He will destroy the antichrist and false prophet and will throw them into the lake of fire and He will use His sword and kill everyone who worships the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast and they will be in the lake of fire to, Satan will be put in a bottomless pit for thousands years and Jesus will rule on earth with a iron fist and after the thousands years ends, Satan will try once again to rage war against God but will loose and all the wicked will be burned with fire from heaven and he will be thrown into the lake of fire, then the great white throne judgement will happen and everyone who rejected Jesus will be there, including all the pastors and church people who thought they were so good and perfect without Jesus and never accepted Jesus ever and they were just a church member and never got their names written in the Lamb book of life, everyone who rejected Jesus will see Him again as their judge and no one will defend you at all, it will be set in stone and all your sins will be read to you and there is nothing you can say to change it or get out of it, then God will say depart from Me you workers of inquinity for I never knew you go into the lake of fire!! It will happen if you like it or not

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