ESO-SCIENCE: "Within What Is Known" (The Moorish Holy Koran)

2 years ago


Eso-Science Wordbook: 
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In this episode of "Master Minds w/ Bro. Shem El", we are back (after 3 years) with author and scholar Eric Mungin Bey, Divine Minister and Adept of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science in Richmond, VA. Brother Eric will be discussing his dynamic book "Eso-Science Wordbook I (From the Moorish Holy Koran)" as well as speaking on topics such as:  

What is Eso-Science? 
What is the Unity of Life? 
What do Moors mean when they say "Moorish Holy Koran? 
How do we use the tools in the Workshop of the Mind? 
What is Moorish Science? 
What is the Day Star? 
And much, much Moor!  

As promised, you will be hearing from yet another influential master mind in Moorish Science. You don't want to miss this show!!!!


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