Japan Is Going Woke - MGTOW

2 years ago

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Tokyo Tech to introduce new admission methods, female student quotas

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Avery and here's what he has to say: "Sandman can you please cover the article I sent you? Looks like Japan is starting up university quotas for females. I was thinking of moving there because it was one of the last bastions of anti-feminism. I'm reconsidering my decision to move there. Thanks. Well Avery thanks for the donation and topic. The article says this and I quote: "Tokyo Tech to introduce new admission methods, female student quotas. Amidst its sustained efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, Tokyo Tech has decided to introduce special quotas for Japanese-speaking prospective female students applying to the Institute's bachelor's degree programs from April 2024 onwards. Four of Tokyo Tech's Schools — the School of Materials and Chemical Technology, the School of Computing, the School of Life Science and Technology, and the School of Environment and Society — will adopt the new framework in April 2024, while the School of Science and the School of Engineering will do so in April 2025. Once the new admission procedures come into effect at all Schools, the new quotas will make 143 positions available exclusively for female students. This constitutes approximately 14 percent of the 1,028 students admitted to Tokyo Tech's bachelor's degree programs each year. The percentage of women in bachelor's degree programs in these fields stood at approximately 13 percent as of May 1, 2022. The introduction of female-only quotas aims to boost this figure and promote one of the Institute's key policies — diversity and inclusion — on Tokyo Tech's campuses. As a result, Tokyo Tech expects the ratio of female students to reach 20 percent at each of its Schools, and to surpass this figure across the entire Institute. New proactive measures aim to increase this ratio further in the more distant future. While certain leading institutions around the world have achieved a female ratio of 30 percent or higher in the STEM fields at Japanese universities, however, the disparity is particularly noticeable. Tokyo Tech hopes that its efforts will develop into a movement among science and engineering-focused and other universities in the country, which together can take a big step towards closing the gap between the number of women and men studying for STEM-related degrees. Future applications through the recommendation-based and comprehensive entrance exam selection methods will fall into two categories — the general quota for all applicants regardless of gender, and the female-only quota. From academic year 2025 onwards, when all Tokyo Tech Schools have adopted the new framework, the number of applicants admitted through General Admissions for the Bachelor's Program will decrease to 801 applicants from the current 930 applicants. The total number of applicants admitted through the comprehensive and recommendation-based entrance exam selection methods will increase to 227 applicants from the current 98 applicants. This will include 84 applicants in the general quota and 143 applicants in the female-only quota. unquote.

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