Does Bitcoin Waste Energy?

2 years ago

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In this video, I discuss whether Bitcoin (and Bitcoin mining in particular) wastes energy.

I make the argument that all advanced civilizations use a lot of energy, whether for transportation, heating/cooling, communication (i.e. internet), etc. I'm against the "electricity police" telling us what is a good use of energy and what is a bad use of energy, since these preferences will vary wildly from person to person.

Bitcoin mining uses energy to secure the network, and provide a neutral reserve asset for the whole world. Bitcoin enables individuals to send value to each other across the world in a permission-less manner, and to store that value in a way that cannot be confiscated or debased.

The main class of people who seem to find this objectionable are the central bankers, politicians, and other rent-seeking groups that rely on central bank money printers for their wealth.

The current financial system uses a lot of electricity (skyscrapers filled with bankers on computers) and is ultimately secured by the US military's "proof of war," which is extremely energy-intensive and probably not very good for the environment.

Bitcoin offers us a way out of this mess. The ultimate goal for humanity should be using more energy and not less. Every source of energy comes with trade-offs, that need to be evaluated rationally. Ultimately, Dyson spheres could be used to provide virtually unlimited energy for humanity.

In the real world, there are always trade-offs. In my opinion, Bitcoin achieves the right balance between these different trade-offs. It's important not to approach the questions surrounding energy or money in a cartoonish or childish way. The real world is a complicated place, and many lives and livelihoods are dependent on us making the right decisions.

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

Christine Lagarde says that people commit crimes with Bitcoin:

Christine Lagarde convicted:

Image of lithium mine:

Wind turbines and dead birds:

Dyson sphere:

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