The Dog Who Rushed Into The Car And Fought the Robbers to the Bone!

2 years ago

The Dog Who Rushed Into The Car And Fought the Robbers to the Bone! | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
The suspect was finally apprehended by Garden Grove police after a high-speed chase that spanned two cities.Officers had received a report of a carjacking earlier that morning, and when they spotted the vehicle on the road, they gave chase.The suspect did not give up easily, however, and even used a service dog to try and escape justice.In the end, the determined officers were able to apprehend the suspect and bring him into custody.

The chase began early in the morning, when police received a report of a carjacking. The 35-year-old male suspect had used force to steal the car, and when officers arrived on the scene, they saw the vehicle driving down the road.The suspect did not obey the stop signal, so the officers gave chase. Eventually, the suspect was stopped in Anaheim, California, but he refused to surrender. Police used sniffer dogs to deal with the situation, and in the video, one of the dogs can be seen jump into the car and biting the suspect. The suspect struggled for a while before finally pushing the dog out of the car.But the dog didn't give up. It jumped back into the car and attacked the suspect until an officer intervened and released it. The suspect was later arrested and taken to an ambulance for treatment. After watching, please visit Three Tea Trees on YouTube and subscribe to see the newest video.

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The Dog Who Rushed Into The Car And Fought the Robbers to the Bone!
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