Tough farm cats, this is “Buddy”.

2 years ago

Burrr it’s starting to get cold outside -41°C in western Canada, so it’s time to get the barn cats into the house or at least check on them.

They won’t stay overnight in the house because they like their beds and run of a slightly heated building. Don’t get me wrong the cats are well set up. They have a dog heating blanket, heated water (so it won’t freeze) and lots of food for them in there.

They’re all fixed so no mess in the house, and tons of babies. It was close a few years back when 2 females where always pregnant, it was crazy so had them fixed, and found homes for some and kept the rest.

They’re loved, not feral, and get along with the dogs and two house cats. 9 cats in total!

-15°C if exposed to the elements, for all my animals a welfare checks is a major priority. Unless you have a mountain dog, no longer than 10-15 minutes outside, enough time to go, then back in!

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