🍀 The EDF Deploys VTubers as Bodyshields | EDF 6 (Earth Defense Force 6)

1 year ago

The enemies tearing off their clothes wasn't part of the plan....or was it?

#EDF6 #EarthDefenseForce6 #地球防衛軍6 #EarthDefenseForce #ookamimio #nakiriayame

We Wara Earth Defense Force 6 (EDF6) Full Episode Playlist Guide:
📷 • Earth Defense Force 6  

Jaeger: I'm quite the fan of time travel stories and while there are some people that groan at the tropes I still get excited looking for every little change in the story and world after the characters time travel. But as for EDF6 it seems they are really taking their time with the loop story (like a certain Haruhi Suzumiya story arc). Of course I would prefer huge changes with many big twists on classic enemy designs but I don't know the kind of budget the devs are working with. I do know that in an interview the producer said they took a risk going with the uncut version of the story the scenario writer had written. So I'm curious to see what else is coming up in the story. On a side note the producer has been the same guy since the creation of the EDF series. I think it's almost always beneficial to keep the original staff if possible especially when it comes to continuity and lore. Anyway Seeing the new type alphas after the second time jump was really cool and I hope there are even more surprises as we continue in the story. If I were to make any changes to the story I would have just maybe cut out the first time jump or at least added the new alpha types in there and then maybe just keep changing the design or even the colors of the enemies with each time jump so it feels like a different world and maybe we break so many timelines that the different enemies start to leak in and the waves of enemies are mixed with the different....*ahem* I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's just keep going and see what else the story has for us. As for the behind the scenes peak at We Wara I wonder if someday in the future there are going to be other channels that take inspiration from us. That would be really interesting to see other gaming couples pop up. I would like to watch those channels too because the dynamic between the two people coming together to problem solve in the game is fascinating to me. But I digress the reason why the player indicator at the top has been updated was because we were making a frame for shorts and along the way we designed the glossy border so of course we decided to implement it into our main channel's icon.

Game Info: Live the future of despair.
The year is 2024 AD. Mankind has won the long battle against the unknown invaders. The enemy Primers are now gone and peace has returned to Mother Earth. However, the population has shrunk to 10% and the world was on the verge of collapse. The survivors fought against the remaining threats while trying their best to continue their recovery. Three years passed in the year 2027. In a new world without hope, the time has come to once again resist the fate of the Earth.
Save the future of Earth in the new world.
The identity of the invader that has long tormented Earth is finally revealed. A chain of deep despair that strikes in a devastated world for the first time in the series...But your presence as a soldier of the EDF will lead humanity to the greatest joy. Now you must face it with courage and wisdom.
The largest volume in the history of the series. Supports online co-op play.
The largest number of missions and weapons ever included. All missions support online co-op play for up to four players. Offline co-op play is also available in split-screen mode. Take control of four different soldier classes and fight alongside real EDF members from across the country.  

About Our Channel: We are an international married couple that enjoys gaming together. Jaeger was born and raised in the USA and Akari was born and raised in Japan. Both of us have played games throughout our lives and when we met each and started gaming together we had so much more fun together. Unfortunately we had so many great gaming moments together that it became difficult to remember them all. We began saving videos and screenshots as we played together but eventually our storage space started to fill up. So we moved to YouTube where there is plenty of storage and its safe from accidents. The channel name is We as in the English plural pronoun and 笑 read as "wara" for the Japanese kanji for laugh.

We Wara (笑)
@we_wara @we_wara_extras

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