Picking the Winners for Christmas Give Away Videos

2 years ago

Congratulations to all the winners of the recent give away videos which ran on the Thousand Yard Stare channel. Hopefully your package will reach you before Christmas and apologies if it doesn't.
If you're a winner please contact me as soon as you can at sales@filterpro.co.uk with your full address and phone number and I'll get the package sent out to you as soon as possible.
Thanks to everyone who watches and shares my videos, have a great Christmas and best of luck for 2023 and beyond.
I know the viewers of this channel are generally very aware of World events and what is driving them but if you're having a New Years Resolution and haven't done so already I'd suggest that the following 5 activities will be very important for you, your family and your community now and more so in the very near future:
1 - Grow your own food
2 - Produce your own power
3 - Secure clean drinking water
4 - Learn new skills whenever you can
5 - Work on creating a source of residual income in addition to the day job
The future is ours to shape and if you don't have a plan then you will end up being part of someone else's plan....,

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