After 6 years I'm looking to to do this full time

2 years ago

I've been a hobby YouTuber for 6yrs and have been very vocal about not asking for any money, not being, or becoming a grifter, despite many telling me I should get paid.

My content is published on many platforms but YT is the most well know, however, YT also considers a lot of the content I want to put out (when I'm not banned) as too spicy, so the add' revenue when applied is limited. The merchandise is priced as low as possible (3rd party overheads) so makes very little profit, I'm unable to source sponsors or, associations with others because of my views & opinions which also goes for product recommendations and giveaways. I'm not asking for any sympathy just offering a little clarification as to the options available to me.

My goal is to make as many people as possible aware of what is going on. To do this I should produce better quality and engaging content. The only option I have to achieve this is to make this hobby more professional and so I've created a members-only area to help with the expenses & overheads that come with that.

Thankfully I have some really good people volunteering their own time, effort, life, and professional experience for, tech support in all areas, news sourcing, monitoring all the social platforms, being an ear for my rants, graphics/artwork, reviewing my videos before they are posted & help with video production.

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