Crystal Project 8: Evil Blood Slime and Salmon River Wandering

2 years ago

Back to exploring! We go and defeat ourselves an Evil Blood Slime and then explore the area to the west until we make our way down a Salmon River. Progress! Forward!

Speaking of progress.

Muriel is going to finish out and master Fencer. I think this might prove useful. She also picks up Equip Rapier while finishing this, which should give her some extra equip abilities. After I shut off the stream, I did remember to go in and slap Equip Shield on her to up her defense values. So. Progress!

Emikis picked up a few more skills in Not Red Mage. Then, he picked up Equip Shield and Stalwart from Aegis. Next up, he's in Chemist to pick up the passives there. He's now got Equip Shield, Sword and Wand to effectively be a Magic Knight. He's great.

Zarron is living nicely as a Hunter, where he can keep shooting things. And shooting things. With his Rogue skills, he can also sleep and steal. We can also slot in Monk skills, but, he shoots many things. He also stole himself a new bow.

Lelias has picked up some more Monster Magic, and she picked up some Chemist skills, but I realize she'll probably never do that. Honestly, this feels like maybe I wasted some LP here, but the healer talent from Chemist might prove useful for Sunbath and Infusion.

Next time: Salmon races?

00:00 Let's Go... Wandering
10:08 Boomer Society Wandering
23:20 Defeating the Evil Blood Slime!
30:00 Post Blood Slime Wandering
34:50 Gardening
44:00 Greenshire Reprise Wandering
1:15:00 Salmon Pass and River Wandering
1:40:15 Cheesing Turtles for Spells
1:44:35 Return to Wandering

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