CCL: Commanding the heart: Lust

2 years ago

Centre for Christian Living event on 4 May 2022, filmed in Marcus Loane Hall at Moore Theological College, Newtown, Sydney, Australia.

Speakers: Marshall Ballantine-Jones and Dani Treweek.

MC: Chase Kuhn.

Jesus raises alarm when he warns us that adultery isn’t limited to sexual intercourse outside of marriage, but begins earlier in the lustful glance of the eye and in mental fantasies. Adultery isn’t just physical; it can be done in the heart. So great is the threat of a wandering eye or straying hand that Jesus suggests losing a part of the body instead of facing the fire of hell. Kingdom righteousness demands more than physical abstinence from sex outside of marriage, but not less.

In view of such teaching, what kind of sexual conduct is becoming of a disciple of Jesus? Dr Marshall Ballantine-Jones and Dani Treweek help us consider how to deal with lust in our hearts.

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