Rick West: When B2B Goes Click-To-Cart

2 years ago

Do the principles of customer value generation that we espouse in our Economics For Business program apply equally for both B2C and B2B businesses? The answer is emphatically yes. B2B customers are seeking subjective value and a value experience just as B2C customers are. They have a clear sense of the things that matter to them, and those include emotional and personal values as well as price and functionality and performance.

In fact, trends that begin in the B2C domain often quickly begin to influence the B2B domain, and the alert entrepreneur can track those trends in B2C and establish an early advantage by exploring them for their business customers. Rick West has done exactly that with his business services company, Field Agent.

Show notes: https://mises.org/library/rick-west-when-b2b-goes-click-cart

Field Agent: https://FieldAgent.net

Plum: https://PlumShop.com/fa/shop

Rick West on LinkedIn: https://Mises.org/E4B_184_LinkedIn

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