Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Japanese Dub Walkthrough Part 6 [PS5/4K] [With Commentary]

2 years ago

Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion On The Playstation 5

-Walkthrough Of The Story With Some Missions
-Chapter 5

►All my gameplays & videos are with commentary
►My video can be used as a guide for where to go in a game or when you are stuck somewhere
►All videos are recorded and well edited by me for a good watching experience
►4K Quality Encoding For The Best Viewing Experiences

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Game Info:
CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY VII- REUNION is a remaster of CRISIS CORE featuring updated graphics, combat systems and soundtrack. Follow the tale of SOLDIER operative Zack Fair, as he discovers the secrets of Shinra's dark experiments.

►#crisiscorefinalfantasyvii #finalfantasy7 #xenogear99 #walkthrough #playthrough

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