I put the truth out - I don’t cower or go to my knees nor would I ever be silenced due to fear

2 years ago

Demons and Luciferian computer are not GOD over Creation’s human or over Creation’s Planet, the world’s only allowed themselves to be judged. It’s time for everyone to call for Creation's final judgement for violating Creation here at 3rd dimension and on Earth as all are accountable for violating the authority of the 1970 Invoking to withdraw and are accountable for alien technology in me, on Australian soil and on Earth as ct-scan shown at: https://harold-holt.net/

To computerise our human body is unattainable as ct-scan has all accountable for alien technology: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y0oAglhhnPHd/

There’s NO democracy! because the Upper Level of Intelligence Agencies control Governments of the Service Corporation for SATAN on Earth who is the head of their Service Corporation: https://www.googlesightseeing.com/maps?p=430&c=&ll=-35.308117,149.124277&spn=0.010192,0.012360&t=k&hl=en/

Masonic Temple: Gateway To The Underworld - Parliament House Australia 666: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zb8R7pCs67Tk/

Australian Satanist Deathbed Confession “Upper Intelligence Agencies creating a Satanic theocracy”: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LrigQKt4FV2u/

Knights Templars concealed their identity to complete Global Domination by creating Freemasonry: https://www.bitchute.com/video/heJIL2Rya0LT/

All Agendas on Earth after 1970 Invoking are in defiance to creation, because Intelligence Agencies, Military, Governments are accountable through 1970 Invoking after I, as a Navy Diver withdrew from the game after clandestine act under age when they violated the authority of signed law document - referred to as the authority of the god’s document under the Commonwealth of Australia and its Constitution and they were already accountable for alien technology in me and on Earth as my ct-scan shows on my: https://harold-holt.net/ website along with all my affidavits of evidence I hold.

DR Andreas Noack was murdered after his video exposed graphene hydroxide in the covid vaccine: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RJxUmkIe9rem/

hoax vaccine is not a drug. it’s graphene-based nanotechnology “not declared and no authorisation”: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RNhxNGvPn44L/

The world’s only allowed themselves to be judged and, the Corona fraud and hoax vaccine is judging all on Earth, Creation allows choice and for one to choose their path and allows one’s action to be in play until Creation corrects and cleanses itself where accountability is applied to all actions outside the flow of Creation. - one’s responsible for one’s own choices and actions and is why there’s no debate in Creation, the Laws are and Creation is. - all should Fear the coming vengeance of creation's Final Judgement at 3rd dimension.

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