I Made an AI do my College Homework

2 years ago

Full video: https://youtu.be/26MiRUI7gzY

Video transcript:
So I asked an AI to do my college homework and it did.
First I asked it to write me some Python code & well it did & it worked great.
Later I told it to do the same thing again, but this time so write all the code without using any external libraries which basically means that you have to write everything yourself, & well it did that wonderfully as well.
Then I asked it to write me a 1-minute video script of an article, which it did & that video’s gonna be uploaded tomorrow, so follow if you don’t wanna miss it.
And I also told it to make a diary entry from the perspective of Obi-Wan Kenobi, super impressive stuff and if you’re interested the full video is available on my YouTube channel, thanks for watching!

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