20221215 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

Congress is planning to give the Pentagon a raise.
I'm Peter Serefine with this week's Liberty Minute and a reminder to use code LIGHTHOUSE at ZStackLife.com to supercharge your immune system this cold and flu season.
I am all for the United States having the largest, most expensive military on the planet.
But.. the Pentagon has failed their financial audits five years in a row.
In the most recent audit, the US Military cannot account for over $2 trillion in assets.
Maybe the military needs to spend less time trying to understand "white rage" and trying to force experimental vaccines on the healthiest people around and start focusing on protecting our nation and her assets.
$2 trillion in lost assets is worth investigating. People need to be fired. I say, no more budget increases until the Department of Defense fixes their accounting.
If you or I failed 5 consecutive audits, we would be in federal prison.
Just like the rest of government, the Pentagon needs to remember that money and those assets belong to We The People
Find more news and commentary at liberty-lighthouse.com
Until next time, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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